Class: User
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveRecord::Base
- ApplicationRecord
- User
- Defined in:
- app/models/user.rb
Schema Information
Table name: users
id :integer not null, primary key
email :string default(""), not null
encrypted_password :string default(""), not null
reset_password_token :string
reset_password_sent_at :datetime
remember_created_at :datetime
sign_in_count :integer default(0), not null
current_sign_in_at :datetime
last_sign_in_at :datetime
current_sign_in_ip :string
last_sign_in_ip :string
created_at :datetime not null
updated_at :datetime not null
first_name :string
last_name :string
authentication_token :string not null
staff :boolean default(FALSE), not null
failed_attempts :integer default(0), not null
unlock_token :string
locked_at :datetime
organizations_count :integer default(0)
active :boolean default(TRUE)
index_users_on_authentication_token (authentication_token) UNIQUE
index_users_on_email (email) UNIQUE
index_users_on_reset_password_token (reset_password_token) UNIQUE
index_users_on_unlock_token (unlock_token) UNIQUE
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#to_s ⇒ String
(also: #name)
Human-friendly name for this user, depending on which of the name columns are filled-in; falls back to email address.
- #username ⇒ Object
Class Method Details
.find_for_authentication(warden_conditions) ⇒ Object
63 64 65 |
# File 'app/models/user.rb', line 63 def self.find_for_authentication(warden_conditions) where(warden_conditions.merge(active: true)).first end |
Instance Method Details
#to_s ⇒ String Also known as: name
Returns human-friendly name for this user, depending on which of the name columns are filled-in; falls back to email address
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'app/models/user.rb', line 68 def to_s if !first_name.blank? || !last_name.blank? [first_name, last_name].join(' ') else email end end |
#username ⇒ Object
for audit log
79 80 81 |
# File 'app/models/user.rb', line 79 def username to_s end |